blogging for beginners, how to start a blog

Internet world is full of opportunities. Dictionaries are disappearing from homes. In present times either people understand or they are looking for ways how to become tech savvy. There are millions of active blogs but the growth is exponential. Every single day more people are choosing blogging as a career. Therefore, I did a lot of research and created this “Blogging for Beginners” Guide. I will also tell you the reasons why blogging is relevant today irrespective of number the rise in competition.

The Blogging for Beginners Guide

Bloggers make a lot of money but only the selected ones. Bloggers make a lot of money but only the selected ones. This is also one of the great ways to make passive income. Due to this it is also one of the best business ideas list. But there is a dark side too. Before you start writing a first article, I am interested in your reason to start blogging. Because the details I will share in the coming text might disappoint you. Do not get me wrong, I am not against the idea of creating a blog website. Instead, I want only passionate people will do it. As per my experience making a blog needs a lot of patience and dedication. If you have these two ingredients then you are all set to learn from our blogging for beginner’s tutorial. Your reason to start a blog will also keep you in the business. If you start this journey, stay till you make it big, else better stay away because success in blog comes with a lot of hard work.

Step by Step Guide to start a new blog

  1. Decide about the niche
  2. Book a domain
  3. Write some content
  4. Make a blogging website
  5. Stick to original to Rank
  6. Start posting articles on regular basis
  7. Maintain a schedule
  8. Make money from blogging
  9. Don’t Quit

Let us now understand everything in little more details.

1 – Find the Niche

Even before you search a domain name, the first thing is to find a Niche. You can read the famous blogging terms to know what is a niche. Finding a niche for blogging is also important because everyone wants to hear from an expert. If you have command over a topic then it is better to make it your primary category. This does not mean only experts can create a blog. Anyone can create a blog with little research. Therefore, you only be ready to invest your time and resources because blogging is a time taking job.

2 – Book a domain

Booking a domain is the second most important thing. To make a blog this is one of the technical requirements to start a blog. You can use any domain name providers and book the domain name of your choice. But make sure you use a famous one to be extra secure.

3 – Write content for blog before you make a website

Wait before you ask me why write content before making a website. I will answer the question. You are about to create a blog which is collection of articles. You cannot just have a blank site. Therefore, write 10 – 15 articles before you launch the blog. When you start blogging as a beginner you do not have much content. You only have an idea that may or may not work. I am just asking you to start blogging with some preparation. If you prepare in advance, you will get time to write the next post. To make sure blogging for beginners guide works for you this point is really important.

4 – Make a blogging website

Now it’s time to create a website. You can easily make a website in WordPress. This is one of the best blogging platform available today. Select a good them and make a blogging website. Once you complete the process you can launch the blog website and publish articles. You already have 10-15 articles to start blogging journey.

5 – Stick to original and rank in Google search

If you are reading this blogging for beginners guide is because you searched for it. To rank in Google search, you need to create original content. You cannot just copy and paste articles. Most blog fail due to this one reason. There are 1000s of articles on single topic. You can write on an existing topic if you cannot find something new. You need have good understanding of the topic. People love to read latest information or new content.

6 – Start posting articles on regular interval

One of the most important rule in the blogging for beginners guide is to make a schedule. Make sure you are regular in posting articles. This will create a positive image among your readers. People like regular content creators. You should not simply create content for the blog and disappear. Post articles on regular basis is a good thing. Additionally, you can also ensure that you answer the questions from comments section. This way more people will subscribe to your articles and help you create an audience for future.

7 – Organize blog publishing process and maintain a schedule

You must maintain your article publishing schedule. People like bloggers that are consistent. If you write something on a fixed interval people will be more engaged. In some cases, people are so engaged that they wait for your next article. If you want to start blogging as a beginner then this is the best tool for make permanent audience.

8 – Start making money from blog

As soon as you have 20-30 article register for Google AdSense program. Once your AdSense account gets approve, you can expect some income as soon as the traffic increases on the website. There are many other ways to make money from internet via blog. You only need to make the right choice because you can use all of them.

In this initial phase, your income from blog will start from small. As soon as your site grows, you can also quit job and start blogging. From this lesson of blogging for beginners lesson, I want you to be patient and keep creating good content.

9 – Don’t Quit – Last Suggestion in this Blogging for Beginners Guide

I am writing articles since long time. Due to this I understand how difficult it is to make a blog famous and sustain it for a long time. During the process there are many times when you feel demotivated. You create a lot of good content but the response is not good. You put a lot of efforts in writing an article and there are no visitors. At this stage many people quit blogging and switch to other things. In reality this is the time when you stay strong and keep working on content writing. Look at the basics. Invest some more time and analyze why my blog is not getting traffic. After little research you will find out why the blog is not showing on google.

Blogging for Beginners – FAQ

There are many questions about blogging that people ask before they start blogging. You should also know the answers for some.

What is blogging for beginners?

In simple words, blogging is linked with creating content. When you publish an article on a website with text content, photographs or video the term is blogging. You can write about almost any topic in the universe. Initially you can start a blog as beginner and keep on adding content. Many bloggers make money out of blogging. Therefore, you can also monetize the blog if there is enough content.

How to become a professional blogger?

Blogging is a time taking journey. You do not achieve your goals in a day or two, it needs months of patience and commitment. Sometimes it takes more time to make a blog famous. You just need to start with whatever knowledge and skills you have. As soon as you grow, you will learn new skills and become a professional blogger.

How can I become full time blogger?

First of all, becoming a blogger is an individual decision. Due to this the success in blogging depends on how serious you are about it. Sure, you can generate income from blogging but the growth is slow. The objective of creating this blogging for beginners guide is to give you a clear picture of blogging. Before you start thinking about becoming a full-time blogger, check your monthly expense and responsibilities. For example, if you are making $5000 a month. It will take time to make the blog successful. If you have an alternate source of income then it is fine. It not, you should do it part time. With time when the income grows and reaches the minimum requirement, you can become a full-time blogger.

How good is blogging for beginners in present time?

We are living in a connected world. People are continuously share information with each other. Creating fresh content is always in demand. Therefore, if you want to start a blog there is not bad or good time. there is an ecosystem of blogging that absorbs all new bloggers. Additionally, you should also note that the success rate in blogging is not very high. This is because most bloggers leave it in the middle because it is not possible to spend a lot of time. Unlike a regular job, income from blog starts late but stays longer. Do your calculation of time, passion for writing and a hobby that will become your niche. If all matches, blogging as a career is amazing.

What are the technical requirements to become a travel blogger?

In general, you do not need to be a technical person to start a blog. You can manage with basic computer skills. When it comes to creating a blog, you need three things

  1. Domain
  2. Hosting
  3. Website with a Blog

You can buy domain and hosting from a reputed service provider. For making a blog website, you can hire a software development company. If you want to save costs, you can hire a freelancer. This technical assistance is only limited to managing the website. You can also learn website development skills for blogging. But it is a time taking process.

How bloggers make money? How can I monetize my blog?

The answer to both the question is same. Bloggers make money by placing advertisement on their articles. People use internet to search anything. There are search engines like google which is also the most famous search engine in the world. When you create good content and people visit your website or blog you show them ads. Google AdSense is one of the best ways to make money from blogging. Additionally, you can also use these

> Make affiliate marketing links inside article

> Write sponsored posts

> Write about products and services

> Sell digital products etc.

Many people imagine blogging for beginners is low-income stream. But there is huge potential of blogging that we cannot ignore.

How much time it takes to make a successful blog?

Starting a blog is like starting a business. Definition of success is different for everyone. For some it means $2,000 a month and for some it is earning $10,000 per month. Therefore, define a goal of your definition of success. As per my experience, monetization from blog starts in 3-4 months if you are writing one blog post per day. How much money blogs earn at this stage depends on the kind of advertisement. Initially the amount is very low. You can increase the amount using affiliate marketing. But sure, if you are regular, you can reduce the time to make a blog successful.

How much time it takes to make first $1000 from blogging?

There is no limit on how much people earn from blogging. There are many sources of making money from blog. It will take anywhere between 1 to 2 years to make your first $1000 per month from blogging.

From where the money comes in Blogging?

The primary income from blogging comes through advertisements. You have many options available and Google AdSense is one of them. We have a full detailed articles on how to make money from blogging.

Is it possible to earn $10,000 per month from blogging?

The straight answer to this question is yes. You can earn $10,000 per month from blog. All you need is consistent work and commitment. But remember, this money is not coming in a year of blogging. It takes 1000s of good articles to reach this level. You need to be as detailed as possible. You should write shareable content to increase visibility. If the website visitors like your content they promote blog on social media without you spending a single penny.

I hope that we are now clear about the basics. There are many reasons for starting a blog. You select your reason and start over. Many people also find blogging for business very relevant to promote products online. This works as a great marketing tool if you are running a business. therefore, it is not necessary that you only make a blog for personal use. You can also learn technical stuff like how to make a WordPress site on our YouTube channel.

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