black Friday sale

We are living in a cross cultured environment. A connected world where traditions are no more limited to the local boundaries. Black Friday sale is one good example. It is the same as the whole world now shares Christmas Greetings with each other. People wait for the Black Friday discounts and Cyber Monday Sale. Black Friday sale is one of the most famous sales across the world. However it was started in the USA and obviously with a purpose.

What is a Black Friday Sale?

Black Friday occurs the day following the Thanksgiving Day holiday on the last Thursday in November. It is the biggest retail sales day in the United States. People also consider it as the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. Additionally, when most people are aware about it and many even wait for the sale. Due to this it is easy to bring more revenue. If you are running a business it becomes very important. Even if you give away heavy discounts, you can make money with good sales numbers. As a result Black Friday Sale creates a win-win situation for both customers and businesses.

Black Friday Sale is also somehow linked with the US gold market crash of 1869. People of the United States believe that it symbolizes the gold market crash due to the plummeting gold prices. The impact was felt on the economy for a long time. But this is the beauty of business. It always bounces back and now in the form of Black Friday Sales. Every second business crashes the prices but this time deliberately and with an objective. The goal is to make more profit that gives customers also some benefits. The less profit and more sale model really works.

6 Reasons to Go Shopping

There can be many reasons to make a purchase in any kind of festive season discounts. Here is a list of 5 reasons that make it more valid. In addition, these are also the same reasons that cause this sale.

1 – A Black Friday Sale is Good for Everyone

There are very limited things that are good for all. A black Friday Sale fits in this category. This does not mean you blindly trust any company or a brand. Do check for quality to make sure you are getting the right product. The objective of this sale is to make products available at discounted rates. The core objective is to benefit the business but ultimately customers also gain benefits. Therefore, it is a Win-Win situation for everyone if you are careful about the quality. Additionally, when you are buying online, do not forget to check if the company is fake or real.

2 – Change of the Year

Everyone is aware about the fact that soon we are entering into the new year. Due to this businesses do not want to keep inventory with the previous year date. This does not mean that the products you buy are low quality. It is all psychological due to which companies sell off their inventory and start creating fresh for the coming year.

3 – Financial Year Change

In many places a financial year also changes with the new year. Due to which companies want to achieve the highest possible sales numbers. A Black Friday Sale helps companies make profit. As a customer it does not impact us but as a business, numbers are directly related to growth. Therefore, companies offer the maximum discount to close the year with maximum possible.

4 – Stock Clearance Sale

This is also like a stock clearance sale because of the expected numbers. There is a cost of keeping inventory. Additionally there is also a risk of damage. Therefore, many companies chose the stock clearance sale route. As a result they are able to clear the inventory and also make some money.

5 – No need to go out of your home, Shop online

As mentioned above, people across the globe love to do shopping online. Ecommerce companies also run Black Friday offers and discounts. Due to this you also do not need to go out of your house. You can order products from any location. Company’s field executive will deliver the products at your doorstep.

6 – Employment generation with Black Friday Sale

When you buy a product, you are not only fulfilling your need. You are also contributing towards creating jobs. Hiring Sales Executives also increase due to the upcoming Black Friday Sale and Christmas season. Stores leave no stone unturned to meet the demand. They want to make sure that customers leave their store happily. This is a hope for getting them back in the store soon due to the experience they got. Therefore, you are indirectly creating job opportunities with small shopping.

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